Sarah is a recent client of my 5 month 1-1 coaching program who came to me struggling to cope with her feelings without trying to control her food. Through the …

Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance
Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance
Sarah is a recent client of my 5 month 1-1 coaching program who came to me struggling to cope with her feelings without trying to control her food. Through the …
A 2013 study found that there was no correlation between how a person feels about themself and their body weight. The study did find, however, that the way we feel …
Muladhara, the first chakra also known as the root or earth chakra, governs our sense of belonging; our right to be here. It’s located at the base of the spine …
In celebration of my 35th birthday, I created this list of 35 things diet culture made me do to entertain and educate you. Some behaviors are related to food, others …
I’ll never forget the moment. I was in my kitchen, listening to Christy Harrison’s podcast Food Psyche. I was found her while searching, ‘how to have body confidence’. She interviews …
I used to deeply relate to the line from Austin Powers, ‘I eat because I’m unhappy and I’m unhappy because I eat’. I was stuck in an endless emotional eating …
Oh Gwenyth, how I idolized you. Given her model physique and youthful appearance approaching 50 years old, why shouldn’t Gwenyth Paltrow be trusted as an authority on health? With 1.3 …
Social media influencers are dominating the wellness world with their inspiration on how to achieve optimal health. You know the look – young, white, thin, able-bodied, wealthy…They use trendy buzzwords …
I used to believe that there was some magic formula for eating that would effortlessly result in thinness and freedom from farting and bloating. At the height of my disordered …
It’s not uncommon for people who have a disordered relationship with food to consider themselves a ‘foodie’. I’m speaking from experience. As a teenager, I had a voracious appetite and …