Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Mindset Management Wellness Culture

Episode 6 – The Power of Our Thoughts

(About Gluten)

If you’ve been feeling anxious and can’t figure out why I’m going to let you in on the ultimate life hack:

It all starts with your thoughts.

Self-awareness is a skill not many people have. They operate on auto-pilot, conserving their energy, and repeating the same thoughts and beliefs day in and day out.

Understanding the way our brains work allows us to change our thoughts, which change our feelings, and consequently our actions, so that we get the results we want in life.

And that’s what we’ll do inside Mindset Makeover – April 28-May 19

During this 4 week group coaching program, I’m going to show you exactly how your thoughts and beliefs create your reality, and I’ll teach you the step-by-step process of building self-awareness so you can create the results you want.

You’ll dig into your beliefs that are informing your emotions and behavior and learn the step-by-step strategies you need to take charge of your reality.

The end result: you can finally stop wondering why you’re so stressed all the time and learn to meet yourself with compassion and curiosity.

Click here to join

If you’re done with listening to your inner critic, this program is for you. This will be a safe space to explore your thoughts and beliefs and get to the root of your problems.

Reserve your spot now (& feel free to share this link with a friend!)

What you’ll learn in the episode: 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How our thoughts create our reality
  • How to be a body positive influence on others
  • How to return to being the authority of your life

Mentioned on the show: 

Kelso JM. Unproven Diagnostic Tests for Adverse Reactions to Foods. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2018 Mar-Apr;6(2):362-365. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2017.08.021. PMID: 29524991.

Capili B, Chang M, Anastasi JK. A Clinical Update: Nonceliac Gluten Sensitivity-Is It Really the Gluten? J Nurse Pract. 2014 Oct;10(9):666-673. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2014.07.036. Epub 2014 Oct 14. PMID: 34093092; PMCID: PMC8174835.

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