This episode is for you if you are stuck in complaining endlessly about the same problem in youir relationship. And feeling like you see so much potential in your partner’s …

Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance
Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance
This episode is for you if you are stuck in complaining endlessly about the same problem in youir relationship. And feeling like you see so much potential in your partner’s …
We spend so much time ruminating about the past and letting it inform our present self image and the reality we create in our future. Our brains are wired that …
I talk with my clients a lot about how the subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and stories that keep us stuck in patterns that aren’t taking us in the direction we want …
A 2013 study found that there was no correlation between how a person feels about themself and their body weight. The study did find, however, that the way we feel …