Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Body Image Intuitive Eating Mindset Management Wellness Culture

Episode 5 – Is Your Self Care Inspired by Love or Fear?

A 2013 study found that there was no correlation between how a person feels about themself and their body weight. The study did find, however, that the way we feel about ourselves influences our likelihood of engaging in health-promoting activities, like honoring our hunger, making peace with food, prioritizing satisfaction, honoring our emotions without using food, respecting our bodies, and joyful movement. Sometimes, health-promoting activities ride the line between self-care and disordered. In this episode, I’ll help clarify the difference.

What you’ll learn in the episode: In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How many behaviors ride the line between self-care and disordered
  • Why behaviors inspired by fear aren’t creating confidence
  • How to get clear on whether your intention is fear-based or love-based

Register to join Create Body Confidence April 20-22, 2022
Get my free guide 5 Ways to feel Secure, Empowered & Confident (without obsessing about your body)

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