Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Body Image Mindset Management

Episode 8 – How Do You Want to Feel?

How would you like to speak, think, and feel about yourself?

Maybe you’ve never even considered these questions. That’s because the suggestion we’re offered for coping with having poor body image is to fix our bodies – not very empowering considering diets aren’t sustainable! I can’t wait to share this insight about how we’ve been socialized to believe our bodies are a problem to be fixed and how the coping tools we use aren’t giving the results we want. 

I’m going to share some practical steps you can take to start shifting your perspective on your body to a more accepting one.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to build the relationship you want to have with your body
  • Coping tools for having poor body image that are productive vs unproductive
  • How to avoid the slippery slope of body dissatisfaction
  • The way to put this practical knowledge to use

Register for my Free Body Acceptance + Yoga Practice Friday, May 20th 2pm EST

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