Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Mindset Management

Episode 41 – Overcoming Good Girl Syndrome with Stephanie Dodier

In this week’s episode of Wellness Reimagined, I had the honor of interviewing my coach and mentor, Stephanie Dodier. I met Stephanie in May of 2021 after I had binged her podcast, Going Beyond the Food. She is the antithesis of what I had been taught about being a ‘good girl’. She’s bold, assertive, and her own number one fan. If it weren’t for this woman, I would still be stuck playing small in my body and my life. She showed me how to get out of victimhood and become the authority of my life. 

Stephanie  is a Clinical Nutritionist CNP, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, host of two top-ranking podcasts in the non-diet industry and creator of the Going Beyond The Food Method™️. She founded Undiet Your Life, a global coaching and online training platform focused on helping women make peace with food and their body so that they can live a fulfilling life… right now! She is also the founder of Undiet Your Coaching Practice, a global professional training platform.  

Mentioned on the show:

You can learn more about Stephanie and her offerings at https://www.stephaniedodier.com/

Or connect with her on:



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