Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Wellness Culture

Episode 44 – Health & Wellness Reimagined

When I was deeply entrenched in elimination diets, intermittent fasting, and militant workouts (because wElLnEsS right?) it was because I thought I had 100% control over my health outcomes.

I was a victim of ‘healthism’ and wonder if you too might hold these beliefs?:

  • Health is a personal responsibility
  • The pursuit of health is morally virtuous
  • If you don’t have your health what do you have?

Do you know how much diet and exercise impact our health outcomes? 


This statistic broke my brain, helped me expand my definition of health, and allowed me to relax around the strict rules I was living by.

(I also created these free journal prompts to help you do the same)

All those mental gymnastics I put myself through reviewing what I ate at the end of every day so I could shame and guilt myself was not any more health promoting than the sugar or alcohol.

But healthism reduces health to nutrition facts and calories burned. 

If you’re someone who also seeks perfectionism with your health habits, you’re going to get so much out of this episode – the replay of my 75Intuitive MasterClass.

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