Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Mindset Management

Episode 37 – Should I Stay or Should I Go?

This episode is for you if you are stuck in complaining endlessly about the same problem in youir relationship. And feeling like you see so much potential in your partner’s ability to change so that you can get your needs met. And it feels so scary to believe that the only alternative is to end the relationship. You don’t want that to be the outcome, and yet you’re sacrificing so much of your own peace and happiness just because you don’t want to give up hope. And you’re so afraid that if you do, that at some point down the line you’re going see that your partner finally realized what they were giving up by not being willing to put in the work, and by that point you’ll have already moved onto something new in your romantic life and then there will be this regret that if you hadn’t just tried harder or waited longer or what could’ve been.

What you’ll learn in the episode

  • How to start to release the attachment and grasping 
  • How to attract a partner who’s available to meet your wants and needs
  • How to stop feeling disempowered in your relationship

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