Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Mindset Management

Episode 36 – Rewrite Your Story with Intention

We spend so much time ruminating about the past and letting it inform our present self image and the reality we create in our future. Our brains are wired that way to preserve energy and to keep us safe with what’s familiar. In this week’s episode, I share an exercise I learned from my coach and mentor, Stephanie Dodier, that helps us rewrite our story to remove things like victimhood, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and codependency, so that we can shift into empowerment, embrace our humanness, value our own opinions more than others’, and reclaim our autonomy. 

What you’ll learn in the episode

  • How your past is informing your present
  • Why you keep repeating patterns you’d rather change
  • How to be intentional about the future you want to create

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