Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Mindset Management

Episode 35 – Create Life on Your Terms

I talk with my clients a lot about how the subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and stories that keep us stuck in patterns that aren’t taking us in the direction we want to go. Whether it be food, body, relationship, or career, our brains are constantly operating off arbitrary rules that are designed to preserve energy and keep us safe (because outgrowing our comfort zone is uncomfortable!).

These rules sound like:

  • A ‘good’ surfer/musician/artist/mom is/does ___

Something to ask yourself when you catch thoughts like that is:

‘Where is the certificate in the sky that says so?’

Because we’ve been practicing these biases for a lifetime, and many of them conform with societal standards, we simply take them as fact. What we do in the coaching container is challenge what our brains have been feeding us and see if there’s different possibility. This is where we reclaim our authority — something women are told they 1. Don’t have, or 2. Can’t trust.

What you’ll learn in the episode:

  • How to challenge your perspective
  • How to create life on your terms
  • How to reclaim your authority

If you’re ready to make 2023 the year you create life on your terms, consider booking a free consultation so we can chat about what needs to change for you!

Click here to schedule

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