Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Body Image Intuitive Eating Mindset Management

Episode 33 – Nervous System Regulation with Vanessa Preston

Does the thought of giving up control of food and accepting your body as it is today make you want to jump out of your skin?

In this week’s episode of Wellness Reimagined, I invited Vanessa Preston of Green Life Psychology to share her wisdom on getting the nervous system on board for food and body image work. We discuss the importance of self-compassion, the role shame plays in our relationship to food and our bodies, and tools for regulating the fight or flight response. 

Vanessa is a Mental Health Social Worker, Psychotherapist and Nutritionist in Australia. She has provided assessment and therapy services for over 14 years and specialises in treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and complex trauma. Vanessa has used her own lived experience of body shame, an eating disorder and chronic dieting and paired this with her expertise in mental health and trauma to create the Body and Food Freedom Program, a 16 week online women’s program focused on shame resiliency, self-compassion, body image healing and intuitive eating. Vanessa is also the host of the Body and Food Freedom Podcast.

What you’ll learn in the episode

  • How to get the nervous system on board for food and body image work
  • The role shame plays in our relationship to food and our bodies
  • Tools for regulating the fight or flight response

Mentioned on the show:

You can learn more about Vanessa and her offerings at https://greenlifepsychology.com/

Or connect with her on:



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