Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Intuitive Eating

Episode 16 – Emotional Eating with Sabrina Rogers

In today’s episode, I had the privilege of interviewing Sabrina Rogers who is a colleague of mine and the host of The Emotional Eating Therapist Show. You are going to LOVE what she has to say about emotional eating…spoiler alert: there is nothing wrong with it! It’s nothing more than our brain’s way of protecting us from something it perceives as a threat. Our brains are wired to avoid pain, and food is pleasurable. Instead of judging the behavior, we need to curiously ask ourselves what unpleasant emotion we are avoiding. Some common emotions that get wrapped up in food are guilt, shame, boredom, anger and loneliness. Sabrina shares why we fail to stop emotional eating, why it has such a bad rap, and some alternatives for coping with unpleasant emotions.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is emotional eating?
  • Why do we always seem to self-sabotage and fail at our attempts to stop emotional eating?
  • Why does emotional eating have such a bad rap?
  • Why do you think emotional eating isn’t such a bad thing?
  • How are our thoughts and emotions affecting our eating habits?
  • Emotional eating is on a continuum, what do you mean by that?
  • If we’re going to use food to cope, what should we know?
  • How do I cope with emotions without ALWAYS using food?

Mentioned on the show: 

Managing Unpleasant Emotions meditation

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Discover How Our Thoughts & Emotions Affect Our Eating ….. and What You Can Do About It

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