Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Body Image Mindset Management

Episode 4 – Create Body Confidence

In today’s episode of Wellness Reimagined, we’re talking about self-objectification and what it is to live from a whole, embodied place instead of picturing yourself being looked at. 

I can’t wait to share this insight about how our thoughts create our body image and cause us so much suffering. How the way we choose to react to those thoughts keeps us playing small in our lives, literally and metaphorically. 

I’m going to share some actionable things you can do to start deprogramming the thoughts you have about beauty, body image, and your self-worth.

What you’ll learn in the episode

  • The problem that’s causing your body anxiety
  • Why the solutions you’ve tried aren’t working
  • The ACTUAL solution to get rid of body anxiety so you can create body confidence

Get my free guide 5 Ways to Feel Secure, Empowered & Confident (without obsessing about food & your body)

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