Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Intuitive Eating Mindset Management

Episode 10 – Client Testimonial: Sarah’s Story

Sarah is a recent client of my 5 month 1-1 coaching program who came to me struggling to cope with her feelings without trying to control her food. Through the practices of curiosity and self-compassion, she discovered the deeper issues that were being masked by food and body image issues. Listen in to hear her celebrate her wins.

Mentioned on the show:

Mindset Makeover:
A 4 week group coaching program designed to get you challenging your core beliefs and conditioning so you can rewire your brain with a perspective that serves you best.

Wellness Reimagined:
A 5 month 1-1 coaching program designed to transform your anxious relationship with food into a peaceful one, and equip you with sustainable body image resilience skills.

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