
Feel confident in your body and choices

Hi, I’m Ashley Paige…

…and I believe that women are stronger than they think they are.

Diet culture, patriarchy, and capitalism have convinced us that our self-worth is dependent on a small body, a big bank account, and the approval of men. In hustling for our own self-acceptance we’re losing our connection to our authentic selves. 

If you feel like you’re constantly fantasizing about future [perfect] you, consider that there’s another way to feel good enough. It doesn’t require routines, certifications, and more DOING. The work is all in your brain.

How do I know this?

After a lifetime of chasing happiness through extreme diets, intense exercising, and incompatible relationships, I reached a point where I had made my body {and my life} as small as they could possibly be. What I thought was going to provide a sense of balance and control to my life was only perpetuating beliefs that I could not be trusted to know what was best for me (or what I even wanted for that matter). 

My brain was so focused on escaping my reality that I couldn’t think beyond eating a little, exercising a lot, and keeping the peace in my marriage. Then I heard Christy Harrison’s podcast Food Psych and I saw the light! I heard stories of women who overcame their fear of taking up space literally and figuratively and I knew I had found the answer: I had to change my brain, not my body.

I became a coach who helps women deprogram the thoughts that are preventing them from playing big in their lives.

Who is Ashley Paige?

I’m a self-worth coach, psychology enthusiast, and yoga instructor. I believe women are capable of overcoming perfectionism, people-pleasing, and codependency to create a bigger, better, and fuller life. 

Ready for Relief?

It makes total sense that you:

  • Think your body is a problem to be fixed
  • Feel anxious, guilty, and ashamed all the fucking time
  • Emotionally eat, scroll mindlessly on Instagram, and binge drink to escape your inner critic

…because you live in a society that believes:

  • Health + weight are morally virtuous responsibilities
  • Your appearance + relationship status + bank account  = your worth
  • You just haven’t found the right routine, hack, or program yet


  • Gaining perspective of and having compassion for your limiting beliefs
  • Feeling confident, empowered and secure as you are today (‘flaws’ and all)
  • Becoming your own best friend
  • Rewiring your brain to believe in your possibility
