
Weight Inclusive Virtual Assistance

Hi, I’m Ashley Paige…

 and I discovered weight inclusivity in 2020.


I had slipped into some disordered behaviors with food and exercise as a way of coping with the start of the pandemic and the ending of my marriage. My husband and I were seeing a therapist who recommended we start cooking together again (we were living apart) and I explained that my food rules would make that nearly impossible for us. I vividly remember feeling relieved when she responded, ‘That sounds a bit extreme’.

I later discovered Christy Harrison’s podcast Food Psyche and deeply identified with the stories her guests were sharing. I went on to devour all the content I could about Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size. In that process, I found Stephanie Dodier who was offering a 6 month mentorship program. I decided my purpose was to become a mindset coach for women who struggle with perfectionism, codependency and people-pleasing as I saw how those patterns had a strong connection with my – and many women’s – food and body story.

I learned from Stephanie how to create an aligned business strategy, a confident marketing message, a compelling offer, an authentic marketing system, and sell with integrity. Ironically, at the same time, I had found myself working as a virtual assistant for an agency that paired me with my worst nightmare: ‘Biohacking Bombshell’ (ha!) and I knew that wasn’t going to be a sustainable relationship. I decided to start out offering my skills to providers who shared my same values, and here I am today! 

The other half of my life revolves around managing an intimate beachfront hotel on the Pacific Southwest coast of Nicaragua where I spend my days surfing, dancing salsa, learning guitar, and gently releasing the hustle mentality I came from.